Friday, July 18, 2008



18 If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened;
19 but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.
20 Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!

These words bring tears of joy. Oh I am so grateful for God's love for me!
Psalm 66 brings to mind the time Jesus told Nathanael that he saw him under the fig tree. I envision that Nathanael was praying there and later how he must have felt to physically hear the words from the lips of Jesus the first time they were face to face, "I saw you". And here we are given the same assurance, as long as we have confessed our sin before God, he hears us! What joy!

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"Jesus is the Truth. We believe in Him, —not merely in His words. He Himself is Doctor and Doctrine, Revealer and Revelation, the Illuminator and the Light of Men. He is exalted in every word of truth, because He is its sum and substance. He sits above the gospel, like a prince on His own throne. Doctrine is most precious when we see it distilling from His lips and embodied in His person. Sermons [and songs] are valuable in proportion as they speak of Him and point to Him. A Christ-less gospel is no gospel and a Christ-less discourse is the cause of merriment to devils." C.H. Spurgeon

About Me

Trabuco Canyon, CA, United States
