Sunday, August 10, 2008



Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless. With God we will gain the victory. Ps:108:12-13a

How much better to “take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man” Ps 118:8 We can save ourselves the torture of anxiety and even endless heartache by resting in the promise that he will help us. Easier said than done, but what victory we can have! How much better to rise above whatever struggles we are facing and to soar like eagles because we have confidence in our King!

Father, help me avoid needless anxiety today by trusting you are with me and to keep firm confidence in the one who helps me, rather than turning to any person to fill my needs. Help me be bold with your truth in your strength today. Give me open doors! Let me be your reflecter!

1 comment:

Chiara said...

This truth has been much on my heart lately. What peace there is in resting solely on God's provision and ceasing the aimless struggle to "fix it" ourselves!
On a side note, I love your new background, Yvonne!






"Jesus is the Truth. We believe in Him, —not merely in His words. He Himself is Doctor and Doctrine, Revealer and Revelation, the Illuminator and the Light of Men. He is exalted in every word of truth, because He is its sum and substance. He sits above the gospel, like a prince on His own throne. Doctrine is most precious when we see it distilling from His lips and embodied in His person. Sermons [and songs] are valuable in proportion as they speak of Him and point to Him. A Christ-less gospel is no gospel and a Christ-less discourse is the cause of merriment to devils." C.H. Spurgeon

About Me

Trabuco Canyon, CA, United States
